We have extensive experience in the design of Learning Management Systems, hosting and distance learning content.
We have extensive experience in training and supporting teachers in the use of Moodle.
We have extensive experience in the design of on-line, blended learning and distance learning content.
Here at MJR Learning Consultancy Ltd we design and create on-line Learning Management Portals using Moodle and WordPress, provide training and content creation.
We can provide a range of hosting options and set-up a LMS on your own Server
Here at E-TeachUK, we can provide on-line training in the use of your LMS , blended or face to face
We can provide a range of support packages from emails, skype, face to face
About us:- E-TeachUK Ltd aims to be one of the UK's leading providers of learning management systems and technology enhanced learning consultancy.
We stand by our belief in continuous improvement and are focused on meeting our customers' requirements.